Wire Rope
Steel wire ropes – Safety
General requirement BS EN 12385-1:2002
Definitions BS EN 12385-2 :2003
Information for use and maintenance BS EN 12385-3 :2004
Stranded ropes for general lifting BS EN 12385-4 :2002
Stranded ropes for lifts BS EN 12385-5 :2002
Stranded ropes for mine shafts BS EN 12385-6 :2004
Locked coil ropes for mine shafts BS EN 12385-7 :2002
Stranded hauling ropes for lifting persons BS EN 12385-8 :2002
Locked coil ropes to carry persons BS EN 12385-9 2002
Spiral ropes for general structure applications BS EN 12385-10 :2003
Steel wire ropes for petroleum and gas industries- Terms of acceptance BS ISO 1045 :2003
Steel wire ropes – determination of rotational properties BS ISO 21669 :2005
Steel wire rope slings safety BS EN 13414-1 :2003
Slings for general service BS EN 13414-2 :2003
Specification for information to be provided by the manufacturer BS EN 13414-3 :2003
Grommets and cable laid slings BS EN 13411-1 :2002
Terminations for steel wire ropes – safety BS EN 13411-2 :2001
Thimbles for steel wire rope slings BS EN 13411-3 2004
Splicing of eyes BS EN 13411-4:2002
Ferrules and ferrule securing BS EN 13411-5 :2003
Metal and resin socketing BS EN 13411-6 :2004
U-Bolt wire rope grips BS 6166-1 : 1986
Asymmetric wedge sockets BS 6166-2 :1986
Lifting Slings BS 6166-3 :1988
Methods of ratings MCA M179
Specification for marking The International Marine Contractors Association
Guide to the selection and safe use of lifting slings for multi purpose
The use of Cable Laid Slings and Grommets
Fibre ropes for general service
Polymaide BS EN 696 : 1995
Polyester BS EN 697 : 1995
Manila and sisal BS EN 698 : 1995
Polypropylene BS EN 699 : 1995
General Specification BS EN 701 : 1995